reception table

Elgin Events

Event Calendar

The Historic Elgin Hotel is not only an amazing place to host events of your own but to attend unique and exciting Kansas events. The hotel itself hosts a wide variety of events ranging from annual events such as the News Years Eve Bash and Love the Elgin Valentine's Evening to an active Murder Mystery Experience and a Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Tasting. There is also a wide variety of events in the area such as music events like Bluegrass on the Lake and Symphony in the Flint Hills, arts and crafts events like the Hillsboro Craft Fair and Art in the Park, holiday celebrations like the Peabody 4th Fest Fireworks and the Florence Memorial Day Parade, and family events like Chingawassa Days, Old Settlers Day, and Redneck in Ramona! Save these dates on your calendar and sign up to receive information on what's happening at the Elgin and in our area.

There are no events currently scheduled.